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Top 10 search results for "Viberzi" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.


A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
Niles, IL

Has people with IBS been helped with viberzi? Bad side effects?

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A myIBSteam Member

I felt really weird the third day I took it couldnt drive felt weird called my gi doctor, he said it could be that and he never heard of it and we just started titrating it to my body and it works. He… read more


A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
Shediac,NB Cnd

Hi everyone I’m getting depressed lately. My Dr.has started me on high blood pressure medication. And my bowels only function once every two weeks I’m tired and get sleepless nights. Does anyone take high blood pressure medication that does not constipate them?
Thank you

A myIBSteam Member

And the doctor didn't address your constipation? Our heart rate and blood pressure can be affected by chronic constipation. Please talk to your doctor about and increase your water to 6-8, 8oz… read more


A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
California, CA

Since I was prescribed Viberzi about a year ago, my life has been so much better. It works for me almost 100% of the time. I love it. I can go to the mall, to a restaurant and have almost no problems. It’s the best med that has worked for me. At first it wasn’t covered by my insurance but I was given a discount so it was doable. Now, the price has gone up to $525.00 a month. I can’t afford that. I am on SS and Medicare. My wonderful doctor has been supplying me with free samples… read more

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A myIBSteam Member

I just wanted to add that Viberzi worked for the first few days and I thought we had the answer for my IBS-D. I ended in the hospital for 8 days with pancreatitis. It was awful.


A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
St Stephen New Brunswivk Canada

Dies it contain lactose?

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A myIBSteam Member

Ask the pharmacist the ingredients. They should hopefully know


A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
Beaverton, MI

Can this be taken if I have had my gall bladder removed?

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I Have Had Severe IBS-D Symptoms For A Year Now, Every Single Day. I Am 66. Why Aren’t My Drs More Concerned? Is This ‘normal’?

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
Moses Lake, WA

I currently have a new Gastro Dr. and waiting for an insurance appeal for Viberzi. I’ve had my gall bladder removed. Between procedures, blood tests, and waiting; I’ve not gotten anywhere In a year. I’m scared.

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A myIBSteam Member

Ty Sue! I will :)


A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
Canton, OH

Has anyone on the loop used Buscopan for IBS issues?

A myIBSteam Member

I have also been taking Bentyl, Dicyclomine, for years and it works. Feel better!

Lomotil Can't Get It In UK

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
Durham, UK

Lomtil or Co Phenodrone is the only thing that really helps bad IBS Day days, but it is no longer available in the UK. Loperamide is not enough on bad days and although Codeine helps I don't want to use it during the day or become dependent on it . Any suggestions?

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A myIBSteam Member

I'd used lomotil on and off for many years. It does make me feel sick sometimes but that's not the norm. It's a wonder for me

Medications For Abdominal Cramping

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
Bradenton, FL

I have tried Levsin looking for ideas

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A myIBSteam Member

I was given Vibertz too. By the time my insurance paid for it, I read about it and was a bit concerned. I have been taking Bentyl which works here and there. I use immodium.. For my anxiety I take… read more

What Meds Do People Take For IBS?

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
Whitehall, MI

Dr prescribed me a blue pill it does not help.

A myIBSteam Member

Benytal works good for me too. I was also prescribed Linzess, but when I got to the pharmacist, and he told me the price, I declined buying it. It is considered a Tier 4 drug with my plan, which… read more