Has Anyone Tried A Squatty Potty (or Similar)? Does It Help At All?
I have found a reasonably priced squatty potty on Amazon and just wanted some first hand recommendations before making my purchase, thanks in advance π
Yes totally works! A bench and small bucket anything to raise your knees makes a huge difference!!!!
I found a small folding footstool 7inches high that does the job for a lot less money
I use a small container that holds the TP or even just the TP itself to get the same effect. Canβt go potty now without having my knees raised higher.
It's basically a raised platform to put your feet on whilst your sitting on the toilet. The idea is to raise your knees so you are in a squat position, apparently the best position for pooping in!
I've been using it for several months and it's pretty effective.
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